Abstract Data Types~Abstract Objects and Collections of Objects

DEVELOPING ABSTRACT MODELS for our data and for the ways in which our programs process those data is an essential ingredient in the process of solving problems with a computer. In this series, we consider abstract data types (ADTs), which allow us to build programs that use high-level abstractions. With abstract data types, we can separate the conceptual transformations that our programs perform on our data from any particular data-structure representation and algorithm implementation.

All computer systems are based on layers of abstraction: We adopt the abstract model of a bit that can take on a binary 0—1 value from certain physical properties of silicon and other materials; then, we adopt the abstract model of a machine from dynamic properties of the values of a certain set of bits; then, we adopt the abstract model of a programming language that we realize by controlling the machine with a machine-language program; then, we adopt the abstract notion of an algorithm implemented as a C language program. Abstract data types allow us to take this process further, to develop abstract mechanisms for certain computational tasks at a higher level than provided by the C system, to develop application-specific abstract mechanisms that are suitable for solving problems in numerous applications areas, and to build higher-level abstract mechanisms that use these basic mechanisms. Abstract data types give us an ever-expanding set of tools that we can use to attack new problems.

On the one hand, our use of abstract mechanisms frees us from detained concern about how they are implemented; on the other hand, when performance matters in a program, we need to be cognizant of the costs of basic operations. We use many basic abstractions that are built into the computer hardware and provide the basis for machine instructions; we implement others in software; and we use still others that are provided in previously written systems software. Often, we build higher-level abstract mechanisms in terms of more primitive ones. The same basic principle holds at all levels: We want to identify the critical operations in our programs and the critical characteristics of our data, to define both precisely at an abstract level, and to develop efficient concrete mechanisms to support them.

To develop a new layer of abstraction, we need to define the abstract objects that we want to manipulate and the operations that we perform on them; we need to represent the data in some data structure and to implement the operations; and (the point of the exercise) we want to ensure that the objects are convenient to use to solve an applications problem.

Definition 1    An abstract data type (ADT) is a data type (a set of values and a collection of operations on those values) that is accessed only through an interface. We refer to a program that uses an ADT as a client, and a program that specifies data type as an implementation.

The key distinction that makes a data type abstract is drawn by the word only: with an ADT, client programs do not access any data values except through the operations provided in the interface. The representation of the data and the functions that implement the operations are in the implementation, and are completely separated from the client, by the interface. We say that the interface is opaque: the client cannot see the implementation through the interface.

Definition 1 does not specify what an interface is or how the data type and the operations are to be described. This imprecision is necessary because specifying such information in full generality requires a formal mathematical language and eventually leads to difficult mathematical questions. This question is central in programming language design. We shall discuss the specification problem further after we consider examples of ADTs.

ADTs have emerged as an effective mechanism for organizing large modern software systems. They provide a way to limit the size and complexity of the interface between (potentially complicated) algorithms and associated data structures and (a potentially large number of ) programs that use algorithms and data structures. This arrangement makes it easier to understand a large applications program as a whole. Moreover, unlike simple data types, ADTs provide the flexibility necessary to make it convenient to change or improve the fundamental data structures and algorithms in the systems. Most important, the ADT interface defines a contract between users and implementors that provides a precise means of communicating what each can expect of the other.

We examine ADTs in detail in this series because they also play an important role in the study of data structures and algorithms. Indeed, the essential motivation behind the development of nearly all the algorithms that we consider in this series is to provide efficient implementations of the basic operations for certain fundamental ADTs that play a critical role in many computational tasks. Designing an ADT is only the first step in meeting the needs of applications programs—we also need to develop viable implementations of the associated operations and underlying data structures that enable them. Typically, we develop an applications program that uses an ADT to solve a problem, then develop multiple implementations of the ADT and compare their effectiveness.

C programmers use data types and ADTs regularly. At a low level, when we process integers using only the operations provided by C for integers, we are essentially using a system-defined abstraction for integers. The integers could be represented and the operations implemented some other way on some new machine, but a program that uses only the operations specified for integers will work properly on the new machine. In this case, the various C operations for integers constitute the interface, our programs are the clients, and the system hardware and software provide the implementation. Often, the data types are sufficiently abstract that we can move to a new machine with, say, different representations for integers or floating point numbers, without having to change programs (through this ideal is not achieved as often as we would like).

At a higher level, as we have seen, C programmers often define interfaces in the form of .h files that describe a set of operations on some data structure, with implementations in some independent .c file. This arrangement provides a contract between user and implementor, and is the basis for the standard libraries that are found in C programming environments. However, many such libraries comprise operations on a particular data structure, and therefore constitute data types, but not abstract data types. For example, the C string library is not an ADT because programs that use strings know how strings are represented (array of characters) and typically access them directly via array indexing or pointer arithmetic. Again, the key distinction that characterizes ADTs is the requirement that the data type be accessed only through the interface.

The data structures that we use in applications often contain a great deal of information of various types, and certain pieces of information may belong to multiple independent data structures. For example, a file of personnel data may contain records with names, addresses, and various other pieces of information about employees; and each record may need to belong to one data structure for searching for particular employees, to another data structure for answering statistical queries, and so forth.

Despite this diversity and complexity, a large class of computing applications involve generic manipulation of data objects, and need access to the information associated with them for a limited number of specific reasons. Many of the manipulations that are required are a natural outgrowth of basic computational procedures, so they are need in a broad variety of applications. Many of the fundamental algorithms can be applied effectively to the task of building a layer of abstraction that can provide client programs with the ability to perform such manipulations efficiently. Thus, we shall consider in detail numerous ADTs that are associated with such manipulations. They define various operations on collections of abstract objects, independent of the type of the object.

We will consider a general mechanism for the purpose of building ADTs for generic data objects in detail later. It is based on having the interface defined in a file named Item.h, which provides us with the ability to declare variable of type Item, and to use these variables in assignment statements, as function arguments, and as function return values. In the interface, we explicitly define any operations that our algorithms need to perform on generic objects. The mechanism that we shall consider allows us to do all this without providing any information about the data representation to client programs, thus giving us a true ADT.

For many applications, however, the different types of generic objects that we want to consider are simple and similar, and it is essential that the implementations be as efficient as possible, so we often use simple data types, not true ADTs. Specifically, we often use simple data types, not true ADTs. Specifically, we often use Item.h files that describe the objects themselves, not an interface. Most often, this description consists of a typedef to define the data type and a few macros to define the operations. For example, for an application where the only operation that we perform on the data (beyond the generic ones enabled by the typedef) is eq (test whether two items are the same), we would use an Item.h file comprising the two lines of code:Any client program with the line #include Item.h can use eq to test whether two items are equal (as well as using items in declarations, assignment statements, and function arguments and return values) in the code implementing some algorithm. Then we could use that same client program for strings, for example, by changing Item.h to This arrangement does not constitute the use of an ADT because the particular data representation is freely available to any program that includes Item.h. We typically would add macros or function calls for other simple operations on items (for example to print them, read them, or set them to random values). We adopt the convention in our client programs that we use items as though they were defined in an ADT, to allow us to leave the types of our basic objects unspecified in our code without any performance penalty. To use a true ADT for such a purpose would be overkill fro many applications, but we shall discuss the possibility of doing so later. In principle, we can apply the technique for arbitrarily complicated data types, although the more complicated the type, the more likely we are to consider the use of a true ADT.

Having settled on some method for implementing data types for generic objects, we can move on to consider collections of objects. Many of the data structures and algorithms that we consider in this series are used to implement fundamental ADTs comprising collections of abstract objects, built up from the following two operations:

  • insert a new object into the collection.
  • delete an object from the collection.

We refer to such ADTs as generalized queues. For convenience, we also typically include explicit operations to initialize the data structure and to count the number of items in the data structure (or just to test whether it is empty). Alternatively, we could encompass these operations within insert and delete by defining appropriate return values. We also might wish to destroy the data structure or to copy it.

When we insert an object, our intent is clear, but which object do we get when we delete an object from the collection? Different ADTs for collections of objects are characterized by different criteria for deciding which object to remove for the delete operation and by different conventions associated with the various criteria. Moreover, we shall encounter a number of other natural operations beyond insert and delete. Many of the algorithms and data structures that we consider in this series were designed to support efficient implementation of various subsets of these operations, for various different delete criteria and other conventions. These ADTs are conceptually simple, used widely, and lie at the core of a great many computational tasks, so they deserve the careful attention that we pay them.

We consider several of these fundamental data structures, their properties, and examples of their application while at the same time using them as examples to illustrate the basic mechanisms that we use to develop ADTs.

Data types comprising collections of abstract objects (generalized queues) are a central object of study in computer science because they directly support a fundamental paradigm of computation. For a great many computations, we find ourselves in the position of having many objects with which to work, but being able to process only one object at a time. Therefore, we need to save the others while processing that one. This processing might involve examining some of the objects already saved away or adding more to the collection, but operations of saving the objects away and retrieving them according to some criterion are the basis of the computation. Many classical data structures and algorithms fit this mold, as we shall see.


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