Database Design ~ Database Design and the E-R Model V

A diagrammatic representation of the data model of an application is a very important part of designing a database schema. Creation of a database schema requires not only data modeling experts, but also domain experts who know the requirements of the application but may not be familiar with data modeling. An intuitive diagrammatic representation is particularly important since it eases communication of information between these groups of experts.

1、Alternative Notations for Modeling Data

A number of alternative notations for modeling data have been proposed, of which E-R diagrams and UML class diagrams are the most widely used. There is no universal standard for E-R diagram notation, and different books and E-R diagram software use different notations. In the rest of this section, we study some of the alternative E-R diagram notations, as well as the UML class diagram notation. To aid in comparison of our notation with these alternatives, Figure 1 summarizes the set of symbols we have used in our E-R diagram notation.

Figure 1    Symbols used in the E-R notation.

1.1 Alternative E-R Notations

Figure 2 indicates some of the alternative E-R notations that are widely used. One alternative representation of attributes of entities is to show them in ovals connected to the box representing the entity; primary key attributes are indicated by underlining them. The above notation is shown at the top of the figure. Relationship attributes can be similarly represented, by connecting the ovals to the diamond representing the relationship.

Figure 2    Alternative E-R notations.

Cardinality constraints on relationships can be indicated in several different ways, as shown in Figure 2. In one alternative, shown on the left side of the figure, labels * and 1 on the edges out of the relationship are used for depicting many-to-many, one-to-one, and many-to-one relationships. The case of one-to-many is symmetric to many-to-one, and is not shown.

In another alternative notation shown on the right side of the figure, relationship sets are represented by lines between entity sets, without diamonds; only binary relationships can be modeled thus. Cardinality constraints in such a notation are shown by “crow’s-foot” notation, as in the figure. In a relationship R between E1 and E2, crow’s feet on both sides indicates a many-to-many relationship, while crow’s feet on just the E1 side indicates a many-to-one relationship from E1 to E2. Total participation is specified in this notation by a vertical bar. Note however, that in a relationship R between entities E1 and E2, if the participation of E1 in R is total, the vertical bar is placed on the opposite side, adjacent to entity E2. Similarly, partial participation is indicated by using a circle, again on the opposite side.

The bottom part of Figure 2 shows an alternative representation of generalization, using triangles instead of hollow arrow-heads. In prior editions of this text up to the fifth edition, we used ovals to represent attributes, with triangles representing generalization, as shown in Figure 2. The notation using ovals for attributes and diamonds for relationships is close to the original from E-R diagrams used by Chen in his paper that introduced the notion of E-R modeling. That notation is now referred to as Chen’s notation. The U.S. National Institute for Standards and Technology defined a standard called IDEF1X In 1993. IDEF1X uses the crow’s-foot notation, with vertical bars on the relationship edge to denote total participation and hollow circles to denote partial participation, and includes other notations that we have not shown.

With the growth in the use of Unified Markup Language (UML), described later in Section 2, we have chosen to update our E-R notation to make it closer to the form of UML class diagrams; the connections will become clear in Section 2. In comparison with our previous notation, our new notation provides a more compact representation of attributes, and is also closer to the notation supported by many E-R modeling tools, in addition to being closer to the UML class diagram notation.

There are a variety of tools for constructing E-R diagrams, each of which has its own notational variants. Some of the tools even provide a choice between several E-R notation variants. See the references in the bibliographic notes for more information. One key difference between entity sets in an E-R diagram and the relation schemas created from such entities is that attributes in the relational schema corresponding to E-R relationships, such as the dept_name attribute of instructor, are not shown in the entity set in the E-R diagram. Some data modeling tools allow users to choose between two views of the same entity, one an entity view without such attributes, and other a relational view with such attributes.

1.2 The Unified Modeling Language UML

Entity-relationship diagrams help model the data representation component of software system. Data representation, however, forms only one part of an overall system design. Other components include models of user interactions with the system, specification of functional modules of the system and their interaction, etc. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a standard developed under the auspices of the Object Management Group (OMG) for creating specifications of various components of a software system. Some of the parts of UML are:

  • Class diagram. A class diagram is similar to an E-R diagram. Later in this section we illustrate a few features of class diagrams and how they relate to E-R diagrams.
  • Use case diagram. Use case diagrams show the interaction between users and the system, in particular the steps of tasks that users perform (such as withdrawing money or registering for a course).
  • Activity diagram. Activity diagrams depict the flow of tasks between various components of a system.
  • Implementation diagram. Implementation diagrams show the system components and their interconnections, both at the software component level and the hardware component level.

We do not attempt to provide detailed coverage of the different parts of UML here. See the bibliographic notes for references on UML. Instead we illustrate some features of that part of UML that relates to data modeling through examples.

Figure 3 shows several E-R diagram constructs and their equivalent UML class diagram constructs. We describe these constructs below. UML actually models objects, whereas E-R models entities. Objects are like entities, and have attributes, but additionally provide a set of functions (called methods) that can be invoked to compute values on the basis of attributes of the objects, or to update the object itself. Class diagrams can depict methods in addition to attributes. UML does not support composite or multivalued attributes, and derived attributes are equivalent to methods that take no parameters. Since classes support encapsulation, UML allows attribute and methods to be prefixed with a “+”, “-“, or “#”, which denote respectively public, private and protected access. Private attributes can only be used in methods of the class, while protected attributes can be used only in methods of the class and its subclasses; these should be familiar to anyone who knows Java, C++ or C#.

Figure 3    Symbols used in the UML class diagram notation.

In UML terminology, relationship sets are referred to as associations; we shall refer to them as relationship sets for consistency with E-R terminology. We represent binary relationship sets in UML by just drawing a line connecting the entity sets. We write the relationship set name adjacent to the line. We may also specify the role played by an entity set in a relationship set by writing the role name on the line, adjacent to the entity set. Alternatively, we may write the relationship set name in a box, along with attributes of the relationship set, and connect the box by a dotted line to the line depicting the relationship set. This box can then be treated as an entity set, in the same way as an aggregation in E-R diagrams, and can participate in relationships with other entity sets.

Since UML version 1.3, UML supports nonbinary relationships, using the same diamond notation used in E-R diagrams. Nonbinary relationships could not be directly represented in earlier versions of UML——they had to be converted to binary relationships by the technique we have seen earlier in Section 2.3 in Database Design ~ Database Design and the E-R Model III. UML allows the diamond notation to be used even for binary relationships, but most designers use the line notation.

Cardinality constraints are specified in UML in the same way as in E-R diagrams, in the form l … h, where l denotes the minimum and h the maximum number of relationships an entity can participate in. However, you should be aware that the positioning of the constraints is exactly the reverse of the positioning of constraints in E-R diagrams, as shown in Figure 3. The constraint 0 . . * on the E2 side and 0 . . 1 on the E1 side means that each E2 entity can participate in at most one relationship, whereas each E1 entity can participate in many relationships; in other words, the relationship is many-to-one from E2 to E1.

Single values such as 1 or * may be written on edges; the single value 1 on an edge is treated as equivalent to 1 . . 1, while * is equivalent to 0 . . *. UML supports generalization; the notation is basically the same as in our E-R notation, including the representation of disjoint and overlapping generalizations. UML class diagrams include several other notations that do not correspond to the E-R notations we have seen. For example, a line between two entity sets with a small diamond at one end specifies that the entity on the diamond side contains the other entity (containment is called “aggregation” in UML terminology; do not confuse this use of aggregation with the sense in which it is used in the E-R model). For example, a vehicle entity may contain an engine entity.

UML class diagrams also provide notations to represent object-oriented language features such as interfaces. See the references in the bibliographic notes for more information on UML class diagrams.

2、Other Aspects of Database Design

Our extensive discussion of schema design in this series may create the false impression that schema design is the only component of a database design. There are indeed several other considerations that we address more fully in subsequent series, and survey briefly here.

2.1 Data Constraints and Relational Database Design

We have seen a variety of data constraints that can be expressed using SQL, including primary-key constraints, foreign-key constraints, check constraints, assertions, and triggers. Constraints serve several purposes. The most obvious one is the automation of consistency preservation. By expressing constraints in the SQL data-definition language, the designer is able to ensure that the database system itself enforces the constraints. This is more reliable than relying on each application program individually to enforce constraints. It also provides a central location for the update of constraints and the addition of new ones.

A further advantage of stating constraints explicitly is that certain constraints are particularly useful in designing relational database schemas. If we know, for example, that a social-security number uniquely identifies a person, then we can use a person’s social-security number to link data related to that person even if these data appear in multiple relations. Contrast that with, for example, eye color, which is not a unique identifier. Eye color could not be used to link data pertaining to a specific person across relations because that person’s data could not be distinguished from data pertaining to other people with the same eye color.

 In Section 1 in Database Design ~ Database Design and the E-R Model III, we generated a set of relation schemas for a given E-R design using the constraints specified in the design. In later series, we formalize this idea and related ones, and show how they can assist in the design of relational database schemas. The formal approach to relational database design allows us to state in a precise manner when a given design is a good one and to transform poor designs into better ones. We shall see that the process of starting with an entity-relationship design and generating relation schemas algorithmically from that design provides a good start to the design process.

Data constraints are useful as well in determining the physical structure of data. It may be useful to store data that are closely related to each other in physical proximity on disk so as to gain efficiencies in disk access. Certain index structures work better when the index is on a primary key. Constraint enforcement comes at a potentially high price in performance each time the database is updated. For each update, the system must check all of the constraints and either reject updates that fail the constraints or execute appropriate triggers. The significance of the performance penalty depends not only on the frequency of update but also on how the database is designed. Indeed efficiency of the testing of certain types of constraints is an important aspect of the discussion of relational database schema design in later series.

2.2 Usage Requirements: Queries, Performance

Database system performance is a critical aspect of most enterprise information systems. Performance pertains not only to the efficient use of the computing and storage hardware being used, but also to the efficiency of people who interact with the system and of processes that depend upon database data. There are two main metrics for performance:

  • Throughout——the number of queries or updates (often referred to as transactions) that can be processed on average per unit of time.
  • Response time——the amount of time a single transaction takes from start to finish in either the average case or the worst case.

Systems that process large numbers of transactions in a batch style focus on having high throughput. Systems that interact with people or time-critical systems often focus on respond time. These two metrics are not equivalent. High throughput arises from obtaining high utilization of system components. Doing so may result in certain transactions being delayed until such time that they can be run more efficiently. Those delayed transactions suffer poor respond time.

Most commercial database systems historically have focused on throughput; however, a variety of applications including Web-based applications and telecommunication information systems require good response time on average and a reasonable bound on worst-case response time.

An understanding of types of queries that are expected to be the most frequent helps in the design process. Queries that involve joins require more resources to evaluate than those that do not. In cases where a join is required, the database administrator may choose to create an index that facilitates evaluation of that join. For queries——whether a join is involved or not——indices can be created to speed evaluation of selection predicate (SQL where clause) that are likely to appear. Another aspect of queries that affects the choice of indices is the relative mix of update and read operations. While an index may speed queries, it also slows updates, which are force to do extra work to maintain the accuracy of the index.

2.3 Authorization Requirements

Authorization constraints affect design of the database as well because SQL allows access to be granted to users on the basis of components of the logical design of the database. A relation schema may need to be decomposed into two or more schemas to facilitate the granting of access rights in SQL. For example, an employee record may include data relating to payroll, job functions, and medical benefits. Because different administrative units of the enterprise may manage each of these types of data, some users will need access to payroll data while being denied access to the job data, medical data, etc. If these data are all in one relation, the desired division of access, though still feasible through the use of views, is more cumbersome. Division of data in this manner becomes even more critical when the data are distributed across systems in a computer network, an issue we consider in later series.

2.4 Data Flow, Workflow

Database applications are often part of a larger enterprise application that interacts not only with the database system but also with various specialized applications. For example, in a manufacturing company, a computer-aided design (CAD) system may assist in the design of new products. The CAD system may extract data from the database via an SQL statement, process the data internally, perhaps interacting with a product designer, and then update the database. During this process, control of the data may pass among several product designers as well as other people. As another example, consider a travel-expense report. It is created by an employee returning from a business trip (possibly by means of a special software package) and is subsequently routed to the employee’s manager, perhaps other higher-level managers, and eventually to the accounting department for payment (at which point it interacts with the enterprise’s accounting information systems).

The term workflow refers to the combination of data and tasks involved in processes like those of the preceding examples. Workflows interact with the database system as they move among users and users perform their tasks on the workflow. In addition to the data on which workflows operate, the database may store data about the workflow itself, including the tasks making up a workflow and how they are to be routed among users. Workflows thus specify a series of queries and updates to the database that may be taken into account as part of the database-design process. Put in other terms, modeling the enterprise requires us not only to understand the semantics of the data but also the business processes that use those data.

2.5 Other Issues in Database Design

Database design is usually not a one-time activity. The needs of an organization evolve continually, and the data that it needs to store also evolve correspondingly. During the initial database-design phases, or during the development of an application, the database designer may realize that changes are required at the conceptual, logical, or physical schema levels. Changes in the schema can affect all aspects of the database application. A good database design anticipates future needs of an organization, and ensures that the schema requires minimal changes as the needs evolve.

It is important to distinguish between fundamental constraints that are expected to be permanent and constraints that are anticipated to change. For example, the constraint that an instructor-id identify a unique instructor is fundamental. On the other hand, a university may have a policy that an instructor can have only one department, which may change at a later date if joint appointments are allowed. A database design that only allows one department per instructor might require major changes if joint appointments are allowed. Such joint appointments can be represented by adding an extra relationship, without modifying the instructor relation, as long as each instructor has only one primary department affiliation; a policy change that allows more than one primary affiliation may require a larger change in the database design. A good design should account not only for current policies, but should also avoid or minimize changes due to changes that are anticipated, or have a reasonable change of happening.

Furthermore, the enterprise that the database is serving likely interacts with other enterprises and, therefore, multiple databases may need to interact. Conversion of data between different schemas is an important problem in real-world applications. Various solutions have been proposed for this problem. The XML data model, which we study in later series, is widely used for representing data when it is exchanged between different applications.

Finally, it is worth nothing that database design is a human-oriented activity in two senses: the end users of the system are people (even if an application sits between the database and the end users); and the database designer needs to interact extensively with experts in the application domain to understand the data requirements of the application. All of the people involved with the data have needs and preferences that should be taken into account in order for a database design and deployment to succeed within the enterprise.


  • Database design mainly involves the design of the database schema. The entity-relationship (E-R) data model is a widely used data model for database design. It provides a convenient graphical representation to view data, relationships, and constraints.
  • The E-R model is intended primarily for the database-design process. It was developed to facilitate database design by allowing the specification of an enterprise schema. Such a schema represents the overall logical structure of the database. This overall structure can be expressed graphically by an E-R diagram.
  • An entity is an object that exists in the real world and is distinguishable from other objects. We express the distinction by associating with each entity a set of attributes that describes the object.
  • A relationship is an association among several entities. A relationship set is a collection of relationships of the same type, and an entity set is a collection of entities of the same type.
  • The terms superkey, candidate key, and primary key apply to entity and relationship sets as they do for relation schemas. Identifying the primary key of a relationship set requires some care, since it is composed of attributes from one or more of the related entity sets.
  • Mapping cardinalities express the number of entities to which another entity can be associated via a relationship set.
  • An entity set that does not have sufficient attributes to form a primary key is termed a weak entity set. An entity set that has a primary key is termed a strong entity set.
  • The various features of the E-R model offer the database designer numerous choices in how to best represent the enterprise being modeled. Concepts and objects may, in certain cases, be represented by entities, relationships, or attributes. Aspects of the overall structure of the enterprise may be best described by using weak entity sets, generalization, specialization, or aggregation. Often, the designer must weigh the merits of a simple, compact model versus those of a more precise, but more complex, one.
  • A database design specified by an E-R diagram can be represented by a collection of relation schemas. For each entity set and for each relationship set in the database, there is a unique relation schema that is assigned the name of the corresponding entity set or relationship set. This forms the basis for deriving a relational database design from an E-R diagram.
  • Specialization and generalization define a containment relationship between a higher-level entity set and one or more lower-level entity sets. Specialization is the result of taking a subset of a higher-level entity set to form a lower-level entity set. Generalization is the result of taking the union of two or more disjoint (lower-level) entity sets to produce a higher-level entity set. The attributes of higher-level entity sets are inherited by lower-level entity sets.
  • Aggregation is an abstraction in which relationship sets (along with their associated entity sets) are treated as higher-level entity sets, and can participate in relationships.
  • UML is a popular modeling language. UML class diagrams are widely used for modeling classes, as well as for general purpose data modeling.


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